OECD Global Forum on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy

In this year of multiple elections, the stakes for democratic governments and societies are high. Our societies continue to face a range of significant challenges, from economic security and recovery to heightened geopolitical tensions, climate change and digitalisation. Yet, declining trust and rising polarisation are thwarting social dialogue and consensus and hindering the delivery of needed reforms, as well as further dissociating citizens from traditional democratic processes. This 2nd edition will be looking at the new evidence on the evolution of the drivers of trust in public institutions, discussing emerging cutting edge government practices, while taking into account structural evolutions such as the rise of artificial intelligence, concerns about foreign interference in open societies and the need to foster consensus around climate action.
You can review the 2022 Forum and the work under the OECD’s Reinforcing Democracy Initiative here. You can review current OECD work and initiatives here.


Milano 21-22 October 2024

Fonte: https://www.oecd-events.org/

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